Sunday, July 03, 2005

TER? PSO:BB stuff perhaps.

A few details on my upcoming PSU Clan. The host will be fragism, with them I get 25MB of space with ulimited bandwidth for free, I have had experience with them before and they are good but their free forum sucks so my forum host will be which has quick reply mod as well as a shop and many more, again this is free and of course I will get a .tk address.

Name will be The Elite Revolution (TER) as I want us to be an elite bunch of players, clan won't that large but hopefully big enough where we can have a good community. Launch? might be at th end of the year, if it is then I'll do PSOBB support until PSU comes out.
I got and idea for a sub clan which I migjt do or not called Elite DS, this will cater for the Nintendo DS online.
The site it's self will just be for Clan info and news, no Reviews or stuff or that as I want to concentrate on being a clan, doing gaming news and reviews takes focus off the clan and it will all get to much.
So that's it for now.

More kitten goodness but this one has the Rambo approuch
Free Image Hosting at

If you imported a PSP, Sony does not want you to have it.
DS sells a Million in europe, nice and quick that was.

I made a new character on PSO:BB a cute little Force named Polo, click on the pic for a larger version.
Free Image Hosting at
Also they have put the first part of Episode 4 up today, click on the pic for a larger version again.
Free Image Hosting at
The host used for those pictures is Imageshack, you can upload a picture and it will give you code for a thumnail, works well.

I have Kirby: Canvas Curse but I want to play it more before I review it so maybe next time. I also have Another Code:Twin Memories and Splinter Cell Chaos Theory DS.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

New Clan! YAY! I actually feel rather happy now :)

TER is a little weird though - you need a clever abbreviation something like S.T.A.R. or E.W.O.K


Anyway - can't hardly wait! Should get some exam results tommorrow afternoon *holds breath*

10:44 pm  
Blogger shinshade said...

I got all mine, will post soon. You'll get used to TER :D

10:46 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...but it sounds so harsh...


needs to be more fluffy. *^_^*

2:20 am  
Blogger shinshade said...

meh you will grow to love it. BTW I got a device fro my GBA called supercard, with this you can plug in a compact flash card and it acts like a flash cartridge, I got a 1 GB CF card and you can fits loads in. Its good.

11:18 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun, but isn't 1Gb just garishly excessive LOL

I finally have my results: two 'B's and two 'A's overall, including an A16 which is the highest you can get - w00t!

1:18 am  
Blogger shinshade said...

nice results, congrats, yeah 1 gig is a lot but I got music on there as well.

9:03 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


If there's some music on there as well that's not too bad!

6:48 pm  
Blogger shinshade said...

Been testing a GB mono emu for GBA called GoomBA, its brilliant, I can now play Super Mario Land 2 again :D

10:38 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL - well some of us just use our GameBoy Pockets for that job :D

7:08 pm  
Blogger shinshade said...

I suppose but I ain't got all those games now, sold them ages ago, I just fouund out that Supercard has pogo shell versions of Pocknetnes, GoomBA and DRSMS already installed so I run, GB, Master system, game gear and NES games with out the need to compile it all roms to GBA ROM form but I still prefer to do that for Pockent NEs and GoomBA for saving reasons.

9:31 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting DS 'news', eh? LINK

5:39 pm  
Blogger shinshade said...

I think capcom have denied it, Rare on DS, ow that is interesting news.

8:07 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you seen this NDS vs PSP Study yet? Jesus - it was bad enough when all the 'LaMeRz' were doing this on forums across the world, but to start doing it with an official business...

Misses out some vital facts, games and pros/cons on both consoles. I think it's interesting how a lot of the answers generated are specific to those under the age of 12 (eg Positive/Negative game ranks, etc)...


7:15 pm  
Blogger shinshade said...

Both are very different consoles that are trying give gamers very different experiences, comparing them is a stupid idea as they are very different concepts. But it seems to be really working well for them in Japan, DS has been top of the hardware sales for nearly 3 months, it has overtaken PSP in yearly sales and is close to taking teh PS2 in yearly sales. It shall be interesting from september onwards in europe and the states with both console having very big releases.

9:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm...I think that Japan has always had a far more diverse taste in games; this has often had quite a large effect on the consoles that have succeeded and failed in the Far Eastern teritories.

I have a feeling that the US and Europe will tend to favour the sheer muscle power of the PSP (the sorry 'RAD GRAFIX' syndrome) and the more favourable gaming environment of the machine (cheap FPS clones, middle of the road RPGs and GTA, which shares only mild cult success in Japan by comparison to the West).

NDS has created a large degree of originality and freshness in gaming that our Far Eastern cousins can appreciate better than most folk round these parts. It's depressing to think that whilst games like Electroplankton are romping home in Japan, sales will be really soft in the West compared to 'KILLER A**ED BUTCHER KNIVES 19'...

11:53 pm  
Blogger shinshade said...

It will be interesting to see if a game like Nintendogs will sell here.

9:04 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a good case in point! Japan's most respected games magazine 'Famitsu' gives it 40/40 whilst Edge, the UK's most respected games magazine (Hmm...Like the NME is the most respected weekly music magazine, if you know what I mean) gave it a pretty average 7/10. It's the two different gaming 'scenes' and just one of the reasons why I feel that the NDS won't have the same impact over here as it has in Japan. Don't get me wrong, they're both excellent machines and I've had nothing but fun & enjoyment from both, and I wouldn't trade 'Wario Ware: Touched' for all the PSP games in the world (apart from Lumines...maybe...). As you say, the NDS and PSP are just two very different gaming experiences altogether!

3:02 pm  
Blogger shinshade said...

One big worrie about PSP is the price of the games, its looking almost certain that they will be £40 and it's looking likley that Sony could soon drop the RRP of PS2 games to £30. The public are not dumb they are going to see this and some might wonder why one is more expensive then the other.
Nintendogs in Jpan has apprently attracked a lot of new people mainly girls to gaming, with the right advertising it should have the same affect here.
the GBA Micro could cost around £40-£50, nintendo need to drop the RRP of GBA games to £20, It's a shame that the micro has not got MP3 and MPEG 4 functionality with an SD card slot in as that would make it very hot property. With the DS nintendo need to drop the price by £20 when the PSP is released and throughout septemer onwards could do vaerious game pack in for about £95, over time the PSP will probably get the little bit of percentage over Nintendo but nintendo really do need to fight or else it will be like in last four months of 2001 in europe where the gamecube after a hot launch fell to the x-box because that put on a hot deal and Nintendo did nothing about it.

10:38 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you're right about Nintendo's position - the ball is, without doubt, in their court! They have to be careful that they handle the situation this time, rather than ignoring the competition and trying to play by their own rules; each time they made a press statement where they said, "'s all about the games and not the hardware..." it made me cringe - I know that, they know that, everyone knows that, so why didn't they buck their ideas up and *DO* something about that rather than stand back and let the X-Box marketing department tempt everyone!

I'm totally in love with the GBA Micro and if the price point is around £45 then I'll be more than tempted - higher and I'd be slightly more cautious. I wonder if they'll include free fascia plates? I have to say that Nintendo have been a little bit tight when it's come to freebees with their consoles of late! I think that an SD slot would allow too much oppertunity for potential piracy - if you can boot MPEG4 and MPEG3 then it's pretty likely that someone would create an exploit given a few weeks!

4:11 am  

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