Monday, May 09, 2005

Gunstar Heroes, Pac Pix, Sonic, Mario, dogs, Kittens and Spam

One of the best games ever created is getting a sequal, yes finally Gunstar Heroes is getting its long awaited sequal called Gunstar Super Heroes. It is coming to GBA which is the correct console so it can keep its 100% 2D gameplay as a PSP version would have to use 3D backgrounds which could affect the gameplay just like Contra on the PS2 and the abilities of the DS would go unused.

Check out this flash game called Kitten Cannon. I managed to get 671 feet.
A classic Flash Game, a flash based on Sonic Advance 2, Take a look.
This guy really does not like Spam and Can Mario get his Cake?
An interesting arcticle below.

Pac Pix- Nintendo DS
This is the first of two Pac Man games that has given the yellow dot munching circle a new lease of life on the DS due to its innotive abilities.
Pac Pix Started life as a tech demo at last years E3, concept is simple you draw Pac Man then he comes to life, you draw lines and then he will munch off in the direction you draw the line. The aim is to gobble all the ghosts up before the time runs out, if you draw a big pac Man, he will cover a bigger area but draw a smaller Pac Man and he will munch faster and you can also draw more then one Pac Man at a time. But you can only draw Pac Man a certain number oftimes so don't keep on letting Pac Man go off the screen.
One of my fears about this game was that it would get boring REAL quick but to my surprise it does NOT. There are different types of ghost, one ghost will suddenly move to the other side of the screen, one has a sheild covering his face and sides so you have to get him from the rear. Some ghosts are on the top screen which means that sometimes Pac Man has to go over a key Pannel and then you must direct him to the top screen, fruit and extra lives are held there as well. On some levels there are pannels on the floor that if pac man hits he will bounce off in the opposite direction so this menas that you must draw a smaller Pac Man, also there are ghosts that you gotto much in a certain order (1 to 3). There are also boss fights, in one boss fight I had to draw Pac Man bigger then the Boss. To keep the game fresh as you progress through the game you will learn two gestures Arrow and Bomb. the Arrow is used to get ghosts stuck in a bubble on the top screen. I'm not sure what the bomb is for as I have not got that far yet.
The game has Tutorials on how to draw Pack Man and the Gestures, this will take you a while to get the hang off, there is also a blank canvas where you practice drawing.
However just like Feel the Magic, Wario Ware Touched and Yoshi Touch and Go the game is not a big game, There are 12 chapters each has five levels with every other chapter having a boss stage, you get a rank for every chapter and depending on the rank you unlock a card which are pretty useless but puts a little more depth into the game, the main game is the only play mode you got, a few more modes would have been nice but this game is a hell of lot longer then Yoshi Touch and go.
There is one bug which can be annoying, sometimes when you draw Pac Man he will not mucnch the way you have drawn him, say you draw him to munch right, sometimes he'll munch down? however this is not a killer bug as you get used to it after a while.
You will only see this game on Nintendo DS, not PSP or GBA. It is an Innotive, awsome and a very enjoyable concept but is little short in length but you will play this for ages as it is just so much fun.
Rating- 8 out of 10


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhhh! I see now - Pac Pix doesn't look too bad, but graphically it looks a bit backwards though ... I think that games being released for the NDS are all fairly original, but lacking any serious depth at the moment.

7:20 pm  
Blogger shinshade said...

That is true, thats why I say don't get Yoshi Touch and Go until its cheap, If you do have some spare cash then I suggest getting Pac Pix its a really novel concept and worth the cash will sell it for £25 or even use canadian based DVD Boxoffice which I used and got for around £19.
Another code is coming in June and that will some depth to it and its fairly original.
Big problem with the DS is that it was Rushed out which is why some games do lack depth but hopefully E3 next week will have some things come out of the DS

10:34 pm  

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