Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Nintendo @ E3

Two updates in a day, your guys are lucky.
Oh boy do Nintendo like to keep people waiting. Revolution was kept low profile during Nintendo's E3 press conference, Reason? with all the hype surrounding the other two consoles the revolution might have been forgotten. Revolution will be fully unveiled soon though, perhaps Nintendo will hold Spaceworld this year. Details of the revolution were present as well as a screen shot of the unit.

Yep no controller which is supposed to be the revolutionary part, the only thing certain about the controller is that it will be wireless. Apart from the known info that the Revolution will play DVD's and Gamecube games, the revolution will have online games from the go with Smash Brothers a possible launch game, speaking of online the DS will have 25 online ready games before the year is out including Mario Kart. Nintendo Online is a very pleasing thought. The Revolution will have 512 megabytes of on-board flash memory. A bay for an SD memory card will let players expand the internal flash memory. Now the next bit is exciting, the console also will have downloadable access to 20 years of fan-favorite titles originally released for Nintendo® 64, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System® (SNES) and even the Nintendo Entertainment System® (NES). WOW! lets hope there is a way to be able to play some of these games online like current PC emulaters do. Just like XBox did the Revolution will be able to download new content for games.
Also on the press release, one other thing caught my attention and got me thinking "Nintendo's rich stable of star franchises. A new development architecture will accommodate both big-budget games as well as artistic, indie offerings designed to make sure that everyone from video game experts to newcomers find ways to share and enjoy the gaming experience"
The bit in bold sounds interresting. Does this mean that Nintendo will provide development tools with the system so the revolution can have a homebrew scene just like Dreamcast and GP32? I certainly hope so!.

Also unveiled was a new version of the GBA.

The GBA Micro will boast the finest color screen Nintendo has yet put in a portable, will play all GBA games and it will be backlit. Look at the size of that thing! However it does not look liley that it will support MP3 or MPEG 4 as previously rumoured.

More about E3 soonish.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

GBA Micro - I WANT ONE NOOOWWWW! It just looks too cute for words!

10:09 pm  
Blogger shinshade said...

and I thought it couldn't get any smaller.

10:09 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm...Nintendo's showing seems fairly lacklustre this time around :(

Not what they needed really...

5:06 pm  
Blogger shinshade said...

I downloaded the press conference and it was good. No matterwhat they would have done they would have been out done by the competition because of the un necessary hype of PS3.
They aresaving the best til later, they might have their own show later in the year and it could be amazing.

9:17 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh Oooh! Can I have a URL to the Nintendo™ conference please? If you look on my site you can have the Sony™ one (272Mb WMV)!

I think that everyone was hoping for the 'revolution' at E3 and they didn't deliver it. No show for the new controller, etc - not good for business and assured to p*** off your hardcore consumer base!

9:29 pm  
Blogger shinshade said...

True but they probably could not show it off to its full potential at E3. Yeah I'm a slight bit dissaponted in that it didn't show but I still can't wait to see it, the little details a said at the E3 conference are interresting.
Here is the confrence link http://www.cube-europe.com/movies/e32005-conference.wmv It's crappy quality though

Zelda Twilight princess is going to be one of the best games of this generation, whether you likes the previous Zelda games or not I suggest giving it a try.

9:56 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ta Muchly for the link! The 'GBA Micro' seems to be the biggest buzz on the internet so far from Nintendo™ at E3 - it's really strange that the oldest hardware has made the largest impact, eh?!

There's a nice clean shot on today's post at my website BTW - get to see a little more detail.
If they release them in weird and wacky facias then they could sell alarmingly well!

12:50 am  
Blogger shinshade said...

I want one but I already own a SP and a DS, can't decide :(.

1:29 pm  

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